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Wednesday, Jul. 24, 2024

Was Kamala Harris once rated the most liberal US senator?


Vice President Kamala Harris was once ranked the most left-leaning U.S. senator, though the organization that did so has stopped rating lawmakers based on one year.

Wisconsin GOP chair Brian Schimming made the claim July 23, 2024.

In 2019,, a nonpartisan Congress tracker, rated Harris, a California Democrat, the most liberal senator.

Its ideology score is based on whether senators sponsor or cosponsor bipartisan legislation.

In 2019, Harris cosponsored the failed Medicare for All bill, a national health insurance plan that would have covered all U.S. residents.

GovTrack told Wisconsin Watch it stopped doing single-year ratings and removed them from its website after determining a single year did not create a “reliable portrait.”

Harris supports positions backed by liberals, including: legislation that would protect the right to abortion nationally; the Biden administration’s efforts to fight climate change; gun control; LGBTQ+ rights; paid family leave; and forgiving student loan debt.

Wisconsin Watch, the news arm of the nonpartisan, nonprofit Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, increases the quality and quantity of investigative reporting in Wisconsin, while training current and future investigative journalists. Its work fosters an informed citizenry and strengthens democracy.

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