Does Australian legislation that classifies the COVID-19 vaccine as a 'poison' mean that the shot is toxic or harmful?
In Australia, medicines and vaccines are normally classified as poisons under the nation's "Poison Standard," but only in the sense that they can cause harm if taken incorrectly or in the wrong amounts. By the logic of a video posted on social media, substances such as aspirin and the measles vaccine could also be considered "poison." In Australia, the term has a very different legal meaning than the way most people use the word.
The video shows a document from the government of Western Australia. It's not, as the video claims, a leaked document. It's an official document, available on the government's website. The March 2021 document authorizes the COVID-19 vaccine.
The document refers to the COVID-19 vaccine as a "poison," but only in the Australian legal sense of that word, not that the shot is dangerous or toxic.