Do respirator masks prescribed to reduce viral spread contain nano-robot parasites that cause a disease?
An online video purports to show nano-robot parasites in the fabric of a face mask as seen through a microscope.
But "nano" describes structures one billionth of a meter across, which makes the "robot" images in the video impossible, since it shows a fingertip alongside the purported nano-bot.
The video says "manmade nano-bot technology fibers that behave like parasites" are the cause of Morgellons disease. But the Mayo Clinic describes Morgellons as a "controversial unexplained skin condition" that some doctors describe as a delusional infestation and others say is just fibers from band-aids or clothing that get stuck in sores or scabs and which patients misidentify as parasitic worms or nano-bots.
Whatever light-based viewing mechanism is used in the video, it shows a fingertip at approximately full-size, at which magnification a nano-object would be invisible.