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Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021

Did the CEO of Pfizer cancel a trip to Israel ‘because he was not vaccinated’?

Kaiyah Clarke, Lead Stories


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla called off a scheduled trip because, while he had received his first shot, he was still waiting for the second shot of the two-step Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. 

A misleading claim on social media was made in August 2021 — almost five months after Bourla canceled the trip and then received his second shot. The claim raised implications by declaring that Bourla "had to cancel" the trip, and emphasized in all-capital letters "BECAUSE HE WAS NOT VACCINATED." 

The Jerusalem Post accurately reported on March 7, 2021, that Bourla called off a visit to Israel because he had received only the first of two vaccination shots. The article cited Bourla as having said that he did not want to "cut in line" for the vaccine earlier.

According to Bourla, he got the second shot as scheduled in March.

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