Are watermelons with ring-like patterns on or in the melon dangerous to eat?
Plant ailments in watermelons that affect appearance do not make a watermelon dangerous for people to eat, though a melon producer might be upset as it could lower the crop's marketability or quality.
A post on social media showing ring-like patterns in both the outside rind and the inner fruit of watermelons warns against eating because the melons have "a viral infection ... throughout the fruit."
But Steve Reiners, chair of the horticulture department at Cornell University, told Lead Stories such melons are fine to eat, although they might not taste as sweet as other watermelons.
Plant disease can result in odd growth patterns, Reiners said. And watermelons can get plant diseases such as ring spot virus, and a condition known as hollow heart from inadequate pollination.
"As with just about all plant diseases, they are harmless to people," Reiners said.