Was an Ice Age predicted in the 1970s?
Most peer-reviewed climate science papers published from 1965-1979 predicted global warming, not cooling.
While many popular media outlets claimed the approach of an ice age, a 2008 review of 1960s-70s climate science papers found that research stated otherwise. 62% predicted warming, 10% predicted cooling, and 28% did not take a stance.
There had been some notably cold Northern Hemisphere winters through this time. Scientists now understand that a leading cause of the cold conditions was aerosol smog pollution. Aerosols block sunshine, reducing the amount of energy reaching Earth's surface. They are also a serious health hazard. When they were reduced through regulation, global temperatures resumed their climb, from the 1970s onwards.
Today, 97% of climate scientists agree that global warming is real and largely caused by human carbon dioxide emissions.