
Is Vietnamese the third most spoken language in Tarrant County?

By Ismael M. Belkoura

Vietnamese is the third most spoken language in Tarrant County, trailing English and Spanish.

According to the 2022 American Community Survey, Vietnamese is the second most spoken non-English language at home, with nearly 30,000 people speaking it at home. Spanish is the most common non-English language, with over 430,000 people speaking it at home. Other common languages include Arabic and French.

Census data shows Vietnamese has been the third most spoken language in the county since 2006. Currently, over 125 languages are spoken in Tarrant County.

In 2010, 3.5%, 3.3% and 1% of the populations of Arlington, Grand Prairie and Fort Worth respectively identified as Vietnamese. 

Around 121,000, or 5.72% of the county’s population, identified as Asian in 2022. Around 3.4% of people in Tarrant County speak Asian and Pacific Islander languages.

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United States Census Bureau | Chart for Languages used at home
United States Census Bureau Beta Page | ACS 1-Year Estimates Public Use Microdata Sample
United States Census Bureau | Access Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) Maps
United States Census Bureau | Tarrant County
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