Is the average salary for teachers in the Milwaukee School District $69,000?
The average salary for classroom teachers in the Milwaukee School District in the 2022-23 fiscal year is $69,180, according to Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction data.
The average amount of fringe benefits is $19,797. The data from which these statistics are calculated represents only teachers who were employed for at least 160 days; it does not include interns or subcontracted staff.
Looking at average salary data for all public school districts and independent charter schools in the state, the average Wisconsin teacher salary is $56,948 and the average amount of fringe benefits is $24,124.
The Milwaukee School District approved an 8% across-the-board cost-of-living adjustment for teachers in the 2023-2024 fiscal year, which was financed through savings from letting hundreds of positions remain vacant. The district considers wages as part of its teacher retention and recruitment strategies.