Does at least 0.5% of Minnesota's population identify as transgender?
About 29,500 in Minnesota identify as transgender, according to a June 2022 report by the Williams Institute, a LGBTQ+ think tank from UCLA. About 0.6% of the state's adult (18+) population, or 26,000 individuals, were found to be trans. For Minnesota's 13-17 age group, an estimated 0.94%, or 3,500 individuals were trans.
Authors analyzed two separate sets of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spanning the years 2017 to 2020.
In 2016, the Williams Institute estimated about 24,250 transgender people in Minnesota, making up 0.59% of the total population.
Minnesota has the 14th highest trans population among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, according to Wisevoter.
Pew Research estimates that nationally, about 1.6% of adults and 5.1% of Americans under 30 identify as trans or nonbinary.