
Does Nevada have comparatively high state gas taxes?

By Todd Butterworth

According to July data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Nevada’s state portion of gas and diesel fuel taxes is below average nationally. Nevada’s state gas tax is $0.24 per gallon; 34 states have a higher tax, and the national average is about $0.32. The highest tax is California’s at $0.65; the lowest is Alaska’s at $0.09.

Nevada’s state diesel tax is about $0.28 per gallon; 31 states have a higher tax, and the national average is about $0.33.

Some have advocated for a gas tax holiday to help struggling consumers. A federal gas tax holiday could be a problem for Nevadans. A 1997 state law would increase the state tax by the same amount as any reduction in the federal tax.

But if the state tax were temporarily suspended, a Nevadan driving 12,000 miles per year and getting 25 miles per gallon would save $9.60 to $11.20 per month.

This fact brief is responsive to conversations such as this one.
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