
Does Nevada allow residents to 'self-identify' their gender on their birth certificate?

By Esther Tsvayg

To update someone’s birth certificate to align with their gender identity, Nevada law requires receipt of two affidavits: one from the individual, their parent, guardian, or legal representative, stating the gender that should be on their birth certificate and the reasoning as well as a supplemental affidavit from someone they know corroborating the facts of the first affidavit.

To update the gender marker on a Nevada ID, no documentation is needed. Applicants may self-identify as they see fit on the application form, which includes “male,” “female” and “non-binary” options, regardless of the gender on other documents submitted to the DMV.

This fact brief is responsive to conversations such as this one.
National Center for Transgender Equality Nevada
State of Nevada Name Changes
The Nevada Independent is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news and opinion website founded in 2017 by veteran political journalist and commentator Jon Ralston. The site and its supporting channels are focused on ethical, unbiased and transparent journalism. In general, we aim to gather and disseminate important public information and increase civic engagement. We are supported by corporate donations, memberships, event ticket sales and sponsorships and foundation grants. We disclose all our members and donors. Donors have no influence over our content, ever. The Nevada Independent is the dba for Nevada News Bureau, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit founded in 2010 by Elizabeth Thompson, who now serves as one of The Nevada Independent's managing directors and its Editor.