Do you need to fill out a form to bring dogs into the US from Mexico?
One or more forms are required to bring dogs into the U.S., depending on whether the dog has recently been in a high-risk or low-risk country.
Dogs that have resided in rabies-free or low-risk countries for the past six months are only required to show a dog import form.
The Centers for Disease Control considers Mexico low-risk. The dog import form requires the animal’s name, age, breed and importation purpose.
Dogs with recent stays in high-risk countries must also have a rabies vaccination certificate and a microchip inserted prior to receiving the vaccine.
All dogs entering the U.S. must be at least six months old, appear healthy, and have a detectable microchip.
A rule change in December 2019 allowed dogs and cats to enter Mexico without a health certificate, although pets must be brought to the Mexican Animal and Plant Health Inspection afterward.