Do Wisconsin teachers make about $27,000 on average?
Wisconsin teachers' salaries average above $27,000, although teachers do sometimes have to pay for school supplies using their own money.
Wisconsin public school teachers made an average salary of $59,992 during the 2020-21 school year, ranking the state at 23rd in the nation for the highest average salary, according to official state figures published by the National Education Association. The average starting salary for Wisconsin teachers was $38,961.
In 2019, TurboTax did estimate that the average salary of Wisconsin preschool teachers was $27,000, according to tax returns from 162 preschool teachers.
Wisconsin public school teachers do not pay for all school supplies, but in 2011-12, they did spend an average of $380 (adjusted for inflation to 2018 dollars) that was not reimbursed, according to an Economic Policy Institute — below the national average of $459.