Did Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Dan Kelly appear at an event headlined by a pastor who has said killing abortion providers is 'justifiable homicide'?
On March 21, Dan Kelly appeared virtually at an event for the Wisconsin chapter of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty. The event was headlined by Matthew Trewhella, a Brookfield pastor, who has previously endorsed killing abortion providers as "justifiable homicide."
In the early 1990s, Trewhella and over 30 other anti-abortionist extremists signed a "justifiable homicide" declaration that supported killing doctors who performed abortions. The declaration is associated with the murder of Dr. David Gunn, who was shot to death in 1993 by an assailant claiming it was "justifiable homicide."
In a statement to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Kelly's spokesperson said he "did not hear the comments by another guest speaker, nor does he condone calls for violence of any kind." A video of the event shows Kelly joined the event during the last 20 minutes following Trewhella's presentation.