Did Donald Trump promise to remove foreign student protesters from the US?
Referring to protests on U.S. college campuses, former President Donald Trump said May 11, 2024:
"If you come here from another country and try to bring jihadism or anti-Americanism or antisemitism to our campuses, we will immediately deport you, you’ll be out of that school.”
Speaking May 14, Trump said, according to The Washington Post:
“One thing I do is, any student that protests, I throw them out of the country. You know, there are a lot of foreign students. As soon as they hear that, they’re going to behave.”
Last October, Trump pledged to deport “radical anti-American and antisemitic foreigners” enrolled in U.S. colleges and foreign students who attend pro-Hamas protests.
Vice President Kamala Harris, speaking Aug. 7, 2024, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, said Trump vowed to “round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of our country.”