
Can the Nevada Legislature install any candidate of its choice if an election is contested?

By Todd Butterworth

Nevada law empowers the Legislature to resolve contested elections for state-level positions and a separate process for the judicial branch to determine the winner of a contested local election, such as for mayor or county commission. A contested election generally occurs when a losing candidate raises substantive questions about the legality or validity of the result.

Whether the contested election is for a state or local position, only a candidate for the office in question may be declared the winner. For contested state elections, disputes over an assembly or senate seat are decided by the related legislative chamber. Contests for statewide offices, such as governor or secretary of state, are determined by a joint meeting of both legislative houses.

The Nevada Legislature has no jurisdiction over contested elections for federal offices, such as for the U.S. Senate or House. 

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Nevada Legislature NRS 293.407
Nevada Legislature NRS 293-417
Nevada Legislature NRS 293.425
Nevada Legislature NRS 293.430
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