Are Nevada’s starting teacher salaries in the top third nationally?
Nevada's average starting teacher salary of $41,277 is outside of the top third among states, and slightly below the U.S. average of $41,770, according to the National Education Association’s latest Teacher Salary Benchmark Report for the 2020-21 school year.
Nevada also ranks below average for teacher salaries overall. According to NEA, the average salary for a public school teacher in Nevada during the 2020-21 school year was $58,167 — considerably below the national average of $65,293.
In May 2022, the Clark County School District announced it would raise its starting salary from $43,000 to $50,115 for the 2022-23 school year. Because CCSD employs approximately 18,000 of Nevada’s 24,000 teachers, this pay increase may place Nevada in the top third nationally in future rankings, depending on pay changes in other states. Nevada’s highest possible teacher salary of $78,530 is ranked 32nd in the NEA report.