Are coronavirus cases climbing more rapidly in Michigan than in most of the country?
Since mid-February, coronavirus infections in Michigan have been climbing, while infection rates in the U.S. as a whole have decreased or at worst held steady. According to data from Johns Hopkins University, Michigan is one of the highest-risk states for COVID-19. Michigan's health department blames more contagious coronavirus variants as a reason for the uptick.
Coronavirus cases have risen 128% in the past two weeks, with approximately 5,400 new cases on average per day in the latest week. As of March 29, 27.8% of Michigan's population had received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, just below the national average of 28.6%, according to Johns Hopkins data.
Michigan seeks to slow the spread without increasing restrictions, and instead work to increase testing, vaccinations and mask usage. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said the coronavirus can “come roaring back if we drop our guard.”