
Are Arlington pet owners required to leash their dogs?

By Haley Samsel

Pet owners must prevent their animals from being “at large,” according to Arlington animal ordinances. 

The city defines at large as any animal that is not continually restrained by a leash or chain of “proper strength and length” that prevents the animal from making any unsolicited contact with a person, property or premises. Dogs are not considered at large if they are unrestrained at an off-leash dog park. 

At-large animals, including unleashed animals and animals that are not fenced in on their owner’s premises, are considered public nuisances and owners may face fines if they are found in violation of the ordinance. Residents can report code violations 24 hours a day by calling 817-459-6777 or submitting an online form.

Arlington isn’t the only Tarrant County city with a leash ordinance. Fort Worth requires dogs to be leashed and accompanied by owners when being walked off the owner’s property. 

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City of Fort Worth Animal Control Laws
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