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Do the Girl Scouts support Planned Parenthood and abortion rights candidates?

Wednesday, February 23, 2022
By Christiana Dillard

The Girl Scouts of the USA has repeatedly denied any partnership with Planned Parenthood, and there is no evidence that it has endorsed individual politicians.

A social media post that has circulated since at least 2004 has received more attention online in 2022. The post alleges that the organization supports Planned Parenthood and "pro-abortion politicians." The post encourages a so-called "#CookieCott" — a buying boycott of Girl Scout cookies to protest.

The GSUSA website states that the organization "does not have a relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood." GSUSA has not adopted a position on beliefs regarding sexual health. According to its 2021 Blue Book of Basic Policies, GSUSA does not endorse any political figures.

Girl Scout cookie sales benefit local councils and troops; the proceeds do not go to the national organization.

This fact brief is responsive to conversations such as this one.
Girl Scouts of the USA Social Issues FAQ | Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts of the USA Girl Scouts
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