Can any minor receive sex reassignment surgery?
According to the Thomson Reuters Foundation, "Gender reassignment surgery is widely restricted to adults over the age of 18."
The World Professional Association for Transgender Health stated sex reassignment surgery should not be carried out until individuals reach the legal age in their country and live in their desired gender role for one year.
Dr. Norman Spack, director of one of the nation's first gender identity medical clinics, told CBS that typically, "Gender-reassignment surgery, which may include removing or creating penises, is only done by a handful of U.S. doctors, on patients at least 18 years old."
Other gender-affirming measures may be taken earlier. Puberty blockers are sometimes prescribed to adolescents and hormones to teens.
As of March 2022, 15 states have implemented or are considering legislation that restricts minors' access to sex reassignment surgery.